Case Study: 2024 Audi Q4 e-tron
Luxury small size SUV receives a complete interior and exterior car detailing service in Vancouver
2024 Audi Q4 e-tron cleaned and detailed by Clean My Car
Today’s case study is a 2024 Audi Q4 e-tron, in Pebblestone Grey.
The car belongs to a relatively new client, who has started using our service less than a year ago.
How this Audi Q4 e-tron got to be cleaned and detailed by Clean My Car — background story
This client is a busy executive at a major Downtown Vancouver firm, which I won’t name here, and her Audi Q4 is only about 3 months old — practically an infant.
Even though it is a family car, used to haul the kids to school and activities, it didn’t have yet the chance to do real hard work.
And so, a bit unusual for a car in this position, the Audi Q4 only needed a light interior and exterior cleaning.
This was more a service meant to preserve the good condition the Q4 is still in, rather than the typical bring-back-to-life operation we normally do on most family cars.
There is a very simple trick at work here:
A consistently clean and shiny car gives the impression that the owner is driving a new vehicle all the time.
And a new vehicle reinforces the perception of prosperity.
So, the smart car owner looks prosperous and successful by simply investing in keeping his or her car in top condition.
An absolute bargain, wouldn’t you agree?
Clean My Car to the rescue…
Audi Q4 e-tron exterior car detailing service
Despite being quite new, the exterior of the car still looked quite dull and unimpressive. Part of this is that all drive-through car washes are never as effective as a hand-wash.
After a thorough cleaning with the right technique and products, the exterior paint has regained its true colour, and it looks (almost) like a brand new car.
Audi Q4 e-tron interior car detailing service
The interior looked only a bit messy (after a few months in use, and no cleaning), with a light layer of dust on every surface, and some dirt and debris.
Seats were in good shape, with just surface dirt, which came out without posing much resistance.
(to see our Car Interior Cleaning Process, click here)
Quick side note: Many car owners expect an interior in such condition to come out clean with “just a quick vacuum”. This is never the case. Aside from a thorough and extensive vacuuming, the carpets need to be shampooed, otherwise the improvement is minimal at best.
In this particular case, the client followed my advice, and chose the appropriate cleaning package.
A few hours of solid and meticulous cleaning, and my client’s Audi Q4 e-tron looks quite different than before…
Audi Q4 e-tron interior and exterior car detailing process — final results and conclusion
We always get better results cleaning a higher-end car, such as an Audi, which is mostly because of the quality materials Audi uses in assembling their cars.
Just like anything else in life, with cars you get what you pay for. In this case, you pay more for an Audi than you’d pay for most cars, but you get much better, and more durable finishings.
The interior is now spotless — dirt and debris gone. It also smells fresh.
My client was super happy with the results. This is what she had to say about it, on Google reviews:
Sooo glad I found Alex and the team at Clean My Car last year! They make my busy life so much easier, and I have the time and energy to focus on my work and family. Couldn’t ask for more. Great service!
If you own an Audi, and would like to get it properly cleaned and detailed, by someone with experience in the peculiarities of the Audi brand, you’re in the right place.
Visit for details.
(On the other hand, if you’re driving a minivan or pick-up truck, our premium car cleaning service may not be right for you.)
Not quite ready to book an appointment right now? Click here to request our Free INFORMATION KIT (including a complimentary $100 car cleaning Gift Card — plus a copy of my book, “How To Have Your Car Cleaned Properly, At the Lowest Possible Price”)